Press Releases > Posta Romana is launching the public consultation procedure for the project, construction and technical endowment of the Bucharest North and Cluj Napoca sorting centres for a total value of 22 million EUR

Bucharest, March the 3rd, 2021 – Posta Romana has published in the Electronic Public Acquisition  System (SICAP) the public consultation procedure for the project, construction and technical endowment of the two strategic logistic centres from Cluj Napoca and Bucharest North.

The international procedure is aimed at all the relevant companies in the field of technology and construction in order to identify the most appropriate solution for the construction of the  logistic centres and also for the automation by means of robotics and AI, for an efficient management of the sorting processes.

According to the legal provisions in force (Law 99/2016) the procedure will be carried out in observance of the following timeline:

  • 3.03.2021 – 16.03.2021 – registration of all interested domestic or international providers of postal technology, by submitting a declaration of intent to the e-mail address:;
  • 10.03.2021, 12:00 (noon, Bucharest time) – on-line public debate in order to prepare the investment framework contained in the Multiyear Investment Plan by accessing the link:
  • 17.03.2021 – 16.04.2021 – on-line bilateral discussions with the registered participants.

After the conclusion of the public consultation, Posta Romana will organise the public acquisition procedures in accordance with the terms of reference revised by the consultation exercise, allowing the selection of the best offer from both economical and technical point of view.

The allocated budget for the project is of 22 million EUR for both centres, the amount being secured by an investment credit from EximBank awarded in 2020. By this investment, Posta Romana aims to create new and modern workspaces provided with high-performance equipment and technology solutions, to increase operability and efficiency in processing of the volume of postal items.

Posta Romana, as contracting authority, provides all the information regarding the awarding procedure to the interested parts, ensuring fair competition rules, regardless the nationality of the named parts. In view of transparent and efficient comunnication, Posta Romana will dedicate a special area for this issue on its website:

We are kindly inviting all the potential postal equipment and technology providers, construction companies and alike to register for this public consultation procedure.

The international consultation will be done by the means of SICAP platform. The reference numbers are as follows: MC1013959/02.03.2021 – for the automated sorting system in Cluj and MC1013958/02.03.2021 – for the Logistic Centre Bucharest North.

Additional information may be obtained by contacting Ms. Oana Albu (Project Specialist) at e-mail:

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