
Here you find the most frequently asked questions about the Romanian Post services.



Find answers that interest you

1. Why do I have to pay VAT if I ordered a product with a very small value of 1-2 USD?
A: The European Union has implemented new VAT rules for online commerce, so that, as of July 1,  2021, all goods imported from outside the European Union are subject to VAT. Exceptions are non-commercial goods shipped from one individual to another, with a value of up to EUR 45.

2. Do I have to submit a customs declaration for any goods ordered outside the European Union?
A: Yes. All small-value postal items entering the customs territory of the EU, including the ones without commercial value, must be subject to a low-data electronic customs declaration (DVSRD), except for goods subject to excise duty or restrictionsl; the use of postal form CN22 / CN23 as a customs declaration is no longer possible after July 1st.
Goods subject to excise duties or restrictions, as well as the ones with a value higher than EUR 1000 require the submission of an electronic customs declaration with complete data set (H1) in the RCDPS customs information system.
Also, new security and safety requirements have been introduced at European Union level. Thus, starting with October 1, 2021, all postal items arriving by air will be subject to a risk customs analysis, based on entry summary declarations (ENS), submitted by postal operators in the countries of destination.

3. What do goods without commercial value mean?
A: According to the customs regulations in force, packages that cumulatively meet the following conditions are not of a commercial nature:
- have an occasional character;
- contain goods intended exclusively for the personal use of the recipient and his family;
- contain goods which, by their nature or quantity, are not intended for sale;
- are sent by the sender to the recipient without any obligation of payment.
Please note that in the case of purchases made online (eg Ebay, Amazon), the sender is most often an individual, but postal items (especially small package parcels) contain commercial goods (shipped to the recipient, with the obligation to pay). Consequently, it is impossible to make the difference between commercial and non-commercial items, at the time of automated processing of small-value postal items at the level of the Bucharest International Exchange Office, with the risk of non-payment of customs debt to the state budget. For these reasons, small-value items are treated by CNPR as e-commerce items, bearing VAT, except for those marked "gift" in standard electronic messages (ITMATT) in the "Nature of goods" field.
4. Why is the 19% VAT rate automatically applied to all shipments?

A: As of October 1, 2021, CNPR uses the special mechanism provided for postal operators, for declaring and paying VAT on imports, for goods with reduced value (less than EUR 150), introduced in the fiscal code by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 59/2021. Under it, the systematic use of the standard VAT rate (19%) is allowed, in order to facilitate the customs declaration process by C.N. Romanian Post, as representative of the recipients. The valid exchange rates are those of the first working day of October, applied from 1 January of the following year. Rounding the amount of VAT on import is made in lei, by increase, when the fraction is equal or greater than 50 bani, and by reduction, when the fraction is less than 50 bani.
According to the Romanian Fiscal Code, the import VAT tax base consists of the customs value of the goods, respectively the price for the imported goods, to which is added the cost of transport and insurance. According to the Community customs regulations in force, in the case of goods sent by post, the postage paid to the destination is included in the customs value of these goods.

5. Why must the 10.50 lei fee be paid, even if VAT is not paid (again)?
A: The customs presentation fee in the amount of 10,50 lei, provided in the international postal regulations (Convention of the Universal Postal Union), is levied by C.N. Romanian Post S.A. for the customs processing of small-value postal items, including those without commercial value or with VAT paid at source. As mentioned above, the electronic customs declaration for any goods ordered outside the European Union is mandatory.

6. How did CNPR prepare for these changes? What do those ITMATT messages mean?
A: In order to align with the customs and fiscal requirements at European level, CNPR, as well as the rest of the postal operators designated at European level, has developed an automatic solution for processing electronic data related to postal items; the delay in its integration with the customs was due exclusively to the non-finalization in time of the system-to-system application of the customs authority
As of July 1, 2021, like all European postal operators, C.N. Romanian Post S.A. automatically processes small-value postal items, at the level of the Bucharest International Exchange Office, based on standard, electronic information, received in advance from external postal operators (ITMATT messages). These contain all the necessary information (data on the sender, recipient, description and value of the goods, HS code, cost of transport and / or insurance, currency in which the payment was made, IOSS number - if applicable, etc.) for making reduced set customs declarations (DVSRD), of the customs risk analysis, for the purpose of security and safety, as well as for the determination of the amount of VAT on import. To this end, postal operators have concluded International Agreements on the Electronic Exchange of Data for Customs Purposes.
We recommend that customers who receive non-EU postal items to check with the sender (online merchant) so that they have completed the electronic customs documentation properly, for each postal item separately.
We also draw attention to the fact that postal items that are not accompanied by electronic customs documentation (ITMATT) or by postal forms in physical format CN22 / CN23, attached to the item and completed correctly and completely, will be returned to the sender.

7. What do IOSS postal items mean and how are they processed?
A: The postal items received at import, in IOSS regime, are those items for which VAT was paid at the source, at the time of purchasing the product. These items are exempt from VAT, as the seller is responsible for collecting the VAT from EU consumers. According to the customs procedures, the items must be declared at customs, in order to be released for free circulation in the customs information system, respectively on the basis of the electronic customs declaration with reduced data set (DVSRD or H7).
The IOSS number must be mentioned in the customs declaration and automatically verified in the system. If the IOSS number is valid, the VAT shall be deemed to have been paid at the time the order was placed and the VAT exemption shall apply on the date of release for free circulation. If the IOSS number is not valid or is not provided, the VAT exemption cannot be granted and, consequently, VAT will be charged on importation.
Postal items arrived at import in IOSS regime are identified by CNPR exclusively according to the IOSS no. present in standard electronic messages (ITMATT), in the "Sender - Id reference" field. In the absence of electronic information regarding IOSS no. sent by the origin operator, those items are processed as VAT-bearing items. This is the internationally agreed working procedure between designated postal operators, taking into account the need to ensure the security of IOSS-related information and the prevention of fraud attempts.
Standard, electronic messages provided in the international legislation are the only secure channel for the transmission between the postal operators of the information regarding the transactions performed in IOSS regime by the online sellers, respectively the communication of the IOSS number (strictly confidential). Any other way of communicating this IOSS number (eg e-mail,disptach note (by mail) for customs purposes) is not recognized within the international postal domain, as it doesn't respect the data confidentiality and cannot be integrated legally, in the postal operational flow.
If you have been asked by CNPR to pay VAT on import, and you are waiting for a postal item without VAT (IOSS), which has not reached the customs subunit with customs assistance, in order to carry out customs formalities, please contact the online seller for clarification. Possible causes:
- The online seller or the postal operator did not include VAT in the sale price;
- The online seller or the postal operator did not send to CNPR the IOSS number in the standard, electronic messages, ITMATT type, respectively did not declare the transaction in IOSS regime.
In this case you can contact the online seller for the VAT recovery. The documents required for reimbursement are the following:
- Copy of the invoice issued by CNPR, for the amounts paid upon collection of the item (along with the tracking number and the amount of VAT paid).
- Copy of AWB.
8. Why are there still delays in processing postal items?
A: Delays in carrying out customs formalities on importation may occur in the case of small-value postal items due to the fact that senders (online merchants) do not provide the destination post office the appropriate electronic documentation for customs clearance of postal items (missing or incomplete electronic information). CNPR must comply with the customs requirements in force, regarding the risk analysis at entry and the declaration at customs.
We recommend customers to ensure that the goods shipped are not considered prohibited / restricted from import in Romania. In the case of these goods, the customs authority may request additional information / documents and submit an electronic customs declaration with complete data set (H1) to the RCDPS customs information system or order the seizure of the goods for confiscation.
According to national customs regulations, individuals may bring non-commercial goods into the country within the limits and under the conditions provided by law. The qualification of the products as for personal use or the object of an economic operation shall be carried out by the customs authority, at the time of the customs clearance operations, based on their values, quantities and the frequency of packages received by the recipients.
At the same time, it is forbidden to introduce in Romania goods that infringe an intellectual property right (counterfeit goods or pirated goods), and which, by their quantity or nature, suggest that they are introduced for commercial purposes. At the same time, it is prohibited to import certain categories of goods or materials whose transport by post is prohibited or restricted, such as real or imitation firearms and parts, explosives and ammunition, human remains, pornographic materials, live animals, drugs or flammable materials. / toxic etc.
Attempts to import these goods by post result in the retention of the postal item by the customs authorities and may attract criminal liability, being sanctioned according to law. The complete list of prohibited or conditionally admitted objects for import into Romania can be found on
9. Why, in some cases, the fee of 22 lei must be paid and not the one of 10,50 lei?
A: The small-value postal items selected by the customs authority for the risk analysis involve additional customs formalities (notice to the recipient, request for additional customs documentation) and implicitly additional costs of the operation, as such situations do not involve automated data processing, but manual processing , piece by piece. In these situations, the customs commissioning tariff will be applied, in the amount of 22 lei / item.

10. Can I pay VAT and other bank card fees at the post office?
A: Payment of import duties and other taxes (VAT) can be made mainly in cash, but also by bank card at post offices with customs assistance, where POS (owned by the customs authority) terminals have already been installed, along with the customs receipt.
11. Can I declare the small-value goods myself or appoint a representative other than CNPR to the customs authorities?
Yes. If you do not want CNPR to make the customs declaration with a reduced data set DVSRD-H7 in the case of a postal item received on your behalf, you can declare the goods in person at the customs authority or appoint a customs representative other than CNPR.
Additional information regarding DVSRD-H7 as well as the list of representatives accredited to function as customs commissioners at the customs offices from all over the country can be found on the D.G.V.-A.N.A.F. website,
If you do not want CNPR to declare the small value postal items that will arrive on your behalf, please make a written request to the e-mail address:, with the following content:
- First name and last name of the recipient;
- Recipient address written on the mail item;
- “I specify that I do not want to be represented by CNPR for making the customs declaration with reduced data set DVSRD-H7 for the release and free circulation of postal items with reduced value.”
After registering the request, all postal items that will arrive in your name in the future will be directed to the post ofice with customs assistance where it will be your task to declare the goods in the customs information system, in person or through a customs representative other than CNP

Track& Trace service offers you the possibility of tracking (only on  Romanian territory) postal items sent with Romanian Post in every moment, available exclusivly for the services listed below.

In order to find out the status of a postal item, you need to click here and write the 13 characters identification code of which the first and the last two are letters. This identificaton code has no blanks between characters.

Our national postal operators that provide the service offer information regarding the dispatch country and the destination country only. ( –  UPU – Member countries) based on the posting number - for example: international postal parcel – CO006150666RO or EMS -EM001220590RO.

Track&Trace system is currently available for the services below:


Letter mail service with declared value.

Letter mail service with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.

Printed papers with declared value.

Printed papers with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.

Postal parcels service with declared value.*

Postal parcels with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.

Notified parcels


Prioripost – fixed declared value



Letter mail service with declared value and registered.

Letter mail service with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.

Cash-on delivery letter mail service

Printed papers with declared value and registered.

Printed papers with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.

M Bag that has registered as additional service

Postal parcels

Cash-on delivery postal parcels

Postal parcels with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value.


*based on commercial agreement only and under the condition that, at posting, these items are accompanied by the dispatch note that has the barcode preprinted and, on the basis of an electronic posting note.

  • P.O. Boxes: only Standard mail items that their volume and size allow the insertion into the P.O. Box and are franked by applying postal stamps.

  • Any postal facility opened to the public (post office, external postal desk, postal agency, rural constituency).


In order to be accepted within the postal network, the insured mail items (insured content) must fulfill the following conditions:

1. To be manufactured so that they can not be spoliated except by affecting the packing or the seals.
2. To be properly sealed, on the envelope closing flap or x-shaped, on all sides, for envelopes, boxes or rolls, without covering the areas necessary for applying the writings or labels, as follows:

  • with a fine adherent band, individualized, which shall bear a print or a special uniform mark of the sender;

  • with a transparent adhesive band applied over the area where the sender has previously signed from 8 to 8 cm maximum.

3. To be sealed with wax seals, ink or other printing methods or with a sign of the sender; in this case, the distance between the seals must not exceed 4 cm in case of envelopes, respectively 8 cm in case of boxes or rolls.
4. To be sealed so, as the wax, ink or lead seals should be clearly and fully printed.
5. If the mail item is sealed according to the provisions of paragraph 2, and is tied with a band in x-shaped, it is not necessary to seal the band also.
6. The mail items presented as boxes must fulfill the following additional conditions:

the boxes must be made of wood, metal or plastic material, which must be resistant;

the walls of the wood boxes must have a minimum thickness of 8 mm;

the undersides and uper sides must be covered with white paper in order to write the addresses of the sender and addressee, the insured value and to apply the proper labels of additional services;

these boxes must be sealed on all the 4 sides as it is mentioned at paragraphs 2 - 4;

if the boxes are equipped with special locks, the sealing shall be applied only on the locks.

if necessary, in order to assure the inviolability the boxes must be tied in x-shaped with a rope or resistant band , without knots; the two ends of the band must be jointed by a wax or lead seal which shall bear the print or special mark of the sender.

7. The mail items sent as cases shall be sealed in the place provided for this purpose, on the caps; in case of metallic cases with special locking systems, the rope shall be inserted through the locking system, a double knot shall be made and the label – address shall be attached, and the ends of the rope shall be sealed using wax or lead bearing the print or special mark of the sender
8. If the mail item is presented as metallic case, suitcase, container, bag and is provided with a special locking system, the sealing shall be applied only on the locking and if it is provided with a special locking and sealing system, the mail items shall be sealed by a single wax or lead seal, applied on the ends of the band.
9. During processing, the mail items packed in cardboard boxes are sealed by an individualized or transparent adherent band applied on the closing flap of the box, round the box, as well as in x-shaped or net, according to the volume, content and weight.

The information on the postal address shall be written as follows:
  • Addressee (recipient)/Sender – full name, for individuals, or name in print for legal entities (it is recommended to write also the father’s initial in certain situations);
  • name of the street (avenue, boulevard, street, alley etc.), building number, flat number, entrance, floor, apartment;
  • postal code and locality ( for rural areas firstly is written the locality, followed by the municipality of which is part of)
  • county or district ( if the locality is the county seat and bears the same name as the county itself, the name of the county shall not be written)
Electronically monitored mail items and mail items for which preferential prices are granted for being sorted according to the postal code, shall be accepted at posting only if the postal code is written on them.
If the destination country uses other writing characters, it is recommended that the address is also written in those characters.
In order to identify the addressees/recipients (individuals) of national mail items which are not sent to their permanent residence, when writing their address, there shall be mentioned:
  • in the case of mail items sent to the recipient's working place: following their full name, there must be written the exact name of the department/division and position, name and postal address of the institution where the rcipient is working;
  • in the case of mail items addressed to a recipient who is hospitalized or in a detention facility: following full name, there shall be written any elements that allow the identification of the recipient, meaning the pavilion/ward/room (if hospitalized), date of birth and parents' names (in case of detention);
  • in the case of a temporary domicile at another person's place: recipent's full name, full name of the person who permanently resides at the respective location, address o (e.g. Gheorghe Nicolae at Petrescu Ilie, followed by the latter's address);
  • in the case of "General delivery" mail items: recipient's full name shall be written according to the personal information on the ID card and the point where the delivery must be picked up from, the postal code and the county , written within the address;
  • in the case of mail items sent to the "P.O. Box " there shall be written: recipient's full name, the point where the PO Box is rented, number of the PO Box, postal code and county; (in case of mail items sent to an undisclosed PO Box, it is not necessary to write the full name);
  • in the case of mail items sent to military units, full name shall be preceded by the military rank and number of the military unit, contact point, postal code and the destination county.
There shall not be admitted insured mail items (contents insurance) addressed to recipients whose addresses contain the names written with initials.

The currency used to express the maximum limits of the declared value for all international mail items is DTS (fr. Droit Tirage Spéciaux) or SDR (eng. Special Drawing Rights).

This currency was created by FMI in 1969 in order to supplement the existing financial reserves in the member countries.

international letter mail service category, international printed papers (books, newspapers, magazines, M bags, cecogram items), international postal parcels, international postal parcels with acknowledgement of receipt (A.R.) or declared value.

Since this currency fluctuates, the maximum limits of the declared value which are found in the international postal items charts are indicative and calculated to an average exchange of 1 DTS= 5,6 lei.

This average exchange (1 DTS= 5,6 lei) is the basis of the tariff calculator for international items. The tariff for the declared value additional service displayed within this section, is merely indicative.

To find out the daily exchange, go to BNR exchange website, stating that the information is updated after 1 PM.

You can find complete information on the post offices that have customs assistance ( address, business hours and contact) in the following chart:

Romanian Post: post offices that have customs assistance

Please contact the post office you previously chose before you pick up your mail item in order to make sure that you have fulfilled all the formalities and you have all the necessary documents to come into posession of the mail item you are expecting.

You can send money to another country by using one of our money transfer services that fits your needs best.

  • Eurogiro is the express service by which are made electronic payments in relation with all member countries that joined the Eurogiro payment system. Transit times are 4-5 working days. 
  • EUROGIRO Cash International (E.C.I.) represents an international financial service provided by Eurogiro and UPU and performed via Eurogiro network that allows customers to send and receive cash at the postal counter. The transfer is made in 2 working days in fast and safe conditions through the Eurogiro secured electronic system. The tariff is compund of: 2,50 lei fixed fee + 3,5% of the value.The amount is deposited in EUR, fees are paid in lei.
  • items must be inserted by the sender in an undamaged package (no cracks or clefts) which must comply with the weight, shape and nature of the content as well as to the method and duration of the transportation and must be easy to handle;
  • the packaging and closing of the postal mailing must protect its content so that it can not be damaged by pressure or consequent handlings and it may not mix up with the content of other postal mailings, and the access to the content must be impossible without the spoliation action to be visible;
  • the metallic paper clips which serve at closing the mailings must not be pointed nor hinder the performance of the postal service;
  • it is forbidden to apply to the postal mailings other labels than those regarding the postal services or reusable postal stamps and labels.
  • postal mailings must have, on the package or wraper, enough spaces to write the service indications and to apply the labels.


  • P.O. Boxes: only Standard mail items that their volume and size allow the insertion into the P.O. Box and are franked by applying postal stamps.

  • Any postal facility opened to the public (post office, external postal desk, postal agency, rural constituency).

Postal parcels:

  • Any postal facility opened to the public (postal office, external postal desk, postal agency, rural constituency).

Prioripost (Express service):

  • Specialized: Postal subunits included in the PRIORIPOST network.

  • Items may be collected from sender's location   (by telephone notification or based on commercial agreement) in county seats localities.

Essentially, our new website offers commercial information about our products and services. The information is presented from the perspective of the user: the sender or the recipient. Also, the services dedicated to legal persons are to be found in a separate section. Find out more here


Romanian Post is not responsible for any loss or damage of unregistered mail items.

In order to protect your valuable mail items, you need to pay additional charges to cover for their insurance.

In the case of registered mail items which are lost or deteriorated, you are entitled to ask for compensation.

Compensation will be paid by Romanian Post accordingly to the legal provisions in force – G.O. no. 31/2002 as it has been approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 642/2002.

The compensation request can be submitted to any post office accompanied by the postage proof (ticket or receipt) of the mail item in cause.

If you are not satisfied with the answer, you can address the issue to the Regional Director or our headquarters in Bucharest– Dacia Blvd. No 140, sector 2, zip code 020065.

If you are not satisfied with the answer or if the deadline for receiving the answer has passed, you have the possibility to address the isue to the Romanian court.

In order to file an international or national complaint, please look at the bottom of InfoPost form where you have two links ( Domestic Complaints and International Complaints ), fill out the forms and send them. The links are to be found on the site main page and on the pages that describe our services, also.

You can also acces the forms by clicking one of the links listed below:

National complaints form

International complaints form

  • POSTAL STAMP represents the classic modality to charge for a mail item.
  • TP SYSTEM (paid taxes)
    • a specific procedure for the Letter Mail service, as for Direct Marketing services and is addressed, by its facilities, mainly to clients that post significant volumes per postage;

    • Mail items travel unstamped, following that, the „TP” symbol, Romanian Post approval number and its availability are to be printed on the front side of the envelope;

    • related fees are globally charged for the entire dispatch;

    • dispatches are conditioned by a minimum volume

    • dispatches are conditioned by a minimum volume of 500 mail items for each category, except for legal documents that have no volume limit.

    • TP form - editable

    • TP guide

                      List of post offices that accept TP system 



payment modality that presumes the client deposits money in advance to CNPR or its regional branches accounts depending on the designed post office.The amount has to be at least equal to the monthly fees representing the services performed. The advance account is charged as the postal services are performed, following that it is constantly supplied.


  • INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPON can be used for an unlimited period of time, in every country member of UPU, as a modality to purchase postal stamps for franking a standard letter mail item in priority regime. International reply coupon selling price is 5,50 lei/ piece (VAT free).
The recipient must know sender's full name, the amount of money to be sent, shipping country and the tracking number (MTCN).

The maximum amount to be transferred is 5000 USD (or the equivalent in EUR/LEI).

  • The sender requests this service when posting the transfer, in exchange for an additional fee.

  • The service is performed in 41 county seats, at the post offices authorized to perform this service.

  • The recipient is contacted by the postal worker to establish the currency agreed for the transfer and the delivery hours.

Romanian Post is the only Western Union agent that offers the possibility of delivering the money at the domicile of the recipient. So, if you want to send money from abroad directly to the domicile of the recipient , you can do this by using the Western Union service in partnership with Romanian Post. 

The zip code must be provided for all electronic monitored items and all the postal items for which tariff reduction is granted for sorting by zip code. In these cases, posting an item is possible under the condition that the zip code is provided for each item.

The services that allow electronic tracking are:

Prioripost (express service)

Ultrapost (door-to-door express service)

Letter mail service with declared value

Letter mail service with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value

Notified parcels

Printed papers with declared value

Printed papers with acknowledgement of receipt and declared value

File complaints

For delayed, missed, damaged, or other malfunctions.

For delayed, missed, damaged or other malfunctioning international postal items

Fill out the complaint form only if you notice delays or malfunctions in the provision of postal services or encounter other problems within them.


Attention! we don't take complaints via phone.

021 9393

Daily between
M - F: 0800 - 2000
     S: 0900 - 1300

Phone calls are charged at the normal rate.

Customer support

Ask a specific question and we will answer it as soon as possible.

Attention! Complaints are not accepted through the Customer Support form.
If you want to submit a complaint, use the Internal Complaints and External Complaints forms.

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